Emily R. Casey
Texas- 2020
California- 2014
Austin Bar Association- Construction Section
Travis County Women Lawyers' Association
Pepperdine University School of Law, J.D., 2014
Dean's List Scholarship
Pepperdine University, B.A., magna cum laude, 2011
Political Science Honors Seminar
Emily R. Casey

Emily Casey has dedicated her career to complex civil litigation, and her practice presently concentrates on commercial litigation. She has significant experience representing clients in cases of alleged professional and general liability, construction and design defect, breach of contract, and business-related torts. Prior to joining Snell Law, Emily practiced civil litigation for six years in California and two years in Austin. She gained extensive experience in California in the defense of healthcare professionals in high-exposure cases involving catastrophic injury and alleged wrongful death. She now focuses on representing businesses and individuals in commercial, real estate, and construction litigation.
Emily is a steadfast advocate and astutely represents her clients’ interests in sensitive matters. She prioritizes communication with her clients to pursue their best interests at every stage of the litigation. She has successfully argued numerous motions on behalf of her clients, resulting in advantageous positioning for settlement negotiations and dismissals of clients from the litigation.
Notable Matters/Representative Experience
Drafted and successfully argued a motion to strike an opposing party’s expert witness, resulting in a reduction of the opposing party’s damages model by $9,000,000.
Drafted and successfully argued a motion to strike class allegations and a motion for summary judgment on behalf of a public entity client in a publicized case of alleged negligence where the plaintiffs were seeking seven figure damages, resulting in dismissal of the client.
Negotiated favorable settlements for clients in a wide range of commercial and construction litigation cases, as well as personal injury cases involving death and serious injury.
Successfully argued numerous summary judgments for individual and business entity clients in cases alleging general liability, professional liability, and construction defects.
Obtained summary judgment for a public entity employer in a case of an alleged wrongful termination of an emergency first responder employee.
In October 2023, conducted direct and cross examination of lay and expert witnesses in arbitration hearing, which resulted in favorable award for the client.
In August 2024, conducted direct and cross examination of lay and expert witnesses in evidentiary hearing, which resulted in favorable judgments for the client.
Texas- 2020
California- 2014
Austin Bar Association- Construction Section
Travis County Women Lawyers' Association
Pepperdine University School of Law, J.D., 2014
Dean's List Scholarship
Pepperdine University, B.A., magna cum laude, 2011
Political Science Honors Seminar